Visually impaired person using braille to read a book.

NDIS FAQ • Frequently Asked Questions About NDIS & NDIA

At Effective Plan Management, we understand that navigating the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can be complex. To help you better understand the NDIS, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions. For more detailed information, we recommend visiting the official NDIS resources, which can be found towards the end of this web page.

What is the NDIA?The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) is the independent statutory agency that was set up to implement and administer the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Their role is to ensure that people with disabilities continue to have access to the supports and services they require.
What is the NDIS?The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is the funding body for people with disability. Funds are made available through the tax system and allocated to people who qualify for the scheme. The funds are allocated to each participant according to their individual goals and needs.
What is an NDIS plan?Your NDIS plan is specifically tailored to your circumstances and will outline the supports you need to meet your life needs and goals. The plan may include informal supports (such as family, friends and community groups) as well as NDIS funded supports.
What is plan management?Plan management allows for a registered plan management provider to assist participants in managing their NDIS funds such as paying invoices and budgeting.
How much does plan management cost?Cost for plan management is built into a participants NDIS plan and is at no direct cost to a participant.
How do I track my spending?Expenditure and budgeting are both areas that can be monitored with the support of a plan manager.
You are also able to track your spending through the NDIS participant portal.
What is a service agreement?A service agreement is a document which is created between a participant and a service provider. It outlines a participants goals, funding and services needed to reach these goals. Once the agreement is completed it is signed by all parties to and service provision can commence.
How do I access my NDIS portal?Myplace participant portal is a secure website for participants or their nominee to view their NDIS plan, request payments and manage services with providers.

You will be provided with a unique activation code for the first time you access myplace.
Once you have an activation code, you can access myplace through the NDIS website or myGov.

Myplace is a secure portal on the myGov website, so you will also require a myGov account to sign in. Visit myGov to find out how to create your myGov account.

Quick Answers About NDIS Plan Management

Is there a cost to me if I have a plan manager?X
Can I use the services of registered NDIS providers?X
Can I use the services of non-registered providers?X
Can I access help to find or change providers?X
Are my bills paid for me?X
Do plan managers assist me with keeping track of my spending?X

Useful Links and Further Information

myGov WebsiteYou can access the "myplace" NDIS portal via myGov.
NDIS Website (National)
Your main resource for general information and guidelines regarding the NDIS.

You can also access your "myplace" NDIS portal via the NDIS website.
NDIS Website (NSW)Information about NDIS in NSW, including roll out schedules, local area coordination and more.
Participant Portal User GuideInformation on how to access your NDIS participant portal "myplace".

What is the NDIS?

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian Government initiative that provides support to people with disability, their families, and carers. The NDIS aims to help individuals achieve their goals and improve their quality of life. For more information, visit the official NDIS website.

How do I apply for the NDIS?

Applying for the NDIS involves several steps, including checking your eligibility, gathering necessary documents, and submitting an application. Detailed guidance on the application process can be found on the NDIS applying page.

What supports are available under the NDIS?

The NDIS provides a wide range of supports tailored to individual needs, including assistance with daily living, transport, therapeutic supports, and more. For a comprehensive list of supports, refer to the NDIS support categories.

How can Effective Plan Management help me with my NDIS plan?

Our experienced NDIS Plan Managers are here to assist you in managing your NDIS plan effectively. We provide personalised support to ensure you get the most out of your funding and achieve your goals. Learn more about our services on our Our Services page.

Where can I find more information about the NDIS?

For additional information and resources, we recommend exploring the following official NDIS links:

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’re here to help you navigate the NDIS with confidence.

NDIS participants asking NDIS planners about NDIS FAQ questions.
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