The NDIA has released its NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue 2020‒21, effective 1 July, which is now available to view and download on the NDIS website.
The Price Guide is updated to reflect the indexed price limits as a result of the Fair Work Commission Annual Wage Review 2019‒20.
Participant plans will be automatically indexed from 1 July 2020 to take into account the decision of the Fair Work Commission and movement in the Consumer Price Index. This requires a systems update which is expected to occur on 11 July. Indexation will still apply from 1 July.
Group Based Supports
In response to feedback, providers will be given 12 months to transition to the new pricing arrangements for group-based supports.
From 1 July, providers will have the opportunity to use either the new streamlined pricing arrangements for group-based supports or continue to use the 2019‒20 arrangements for up to a further 12 months.
The new arrangements introduced for 2020‒21 remove the worker to participant ratio and instead allow providers to claim against the appropriate 1:1 support line item. This means providers can accurately apportion time spent with a group and among members of that group. Providers can also then claim for non-face-to-face supports rather than having an allowance for non-face-to-face supports built into the price limit.
The current 2019‒20 arrangements will be retained in the NDIS Price Guide 2020‒21 until 30 June 2021 and allow for the support items covering the range of ratios to allow for one support worker to different numbers of participants and have allowances built into the price limits for non-face-to-face supports.
The Price Guide and Support Catalogue 2020‒21 also reflect the end of some of the temporary arrangements introduced in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
An updated Assistive Technology and Consumables Guide will also be published.
More detail will be available on the NDIS website and the NDIS Price Guide including further clarification on:
- evening support times and shift boundaries
- establishment fees
- line item updates.
What Does This Mean for NDIS Participants?
With the new pricing model being released, NDIS Providers are able to choose which pricing method they want to use over the next 12 months.
This means there are now two different pricing arrangements for group support, running in parallel, which could be confusing for NDIS participants and their carers.
To learn more about these changes we recommend that you speak with your NDIS Plan Manager. Your Plan Manager can explain how these changes will impact on your personal circumstances and make sure that you are getting the best value from your NDIS Providers.