As of 1st October, 2020, the NDIA has released the Guide to Plan Management. The question is what does that mean for you as a participant.
The guide states “Plan management is a type of disability service funded through the NDIS. The overarching function of plan management is to assist and support NDIS participants to manage their NDIS plan funding.”
The guide indicates that as plan managers we can support you by:
- Managing and monitoring your budget
- Managing your NTIS claims and disbursing funds for the people who are supporting you
- Providing regular statements to you to show where your funds in your plans are up to and let you know if you don’t have enough money in your plan for a service
- Offer other additional plan financial assistance if you request this
Our job as Plan Managers is to ensure the appropriate spending of the plan. Our role is to ensure the plan is implemented as intended:
- Within budget and in accordance with the plan,
- Ensure that funding is within the price guide,
- Support you as participants and carers to understand your plan and the rules around how to spend the funding
The purpose of the guide is to give a practical guide to you and us as your plan managers to:
- Assist you to understand what to expect of us
- Describe how you can access plan management
- Explain the roles, responsibilities and activities of a plan manager
- How to best use our plan management services
- Outline the broad system which we as plan managers operate within
The guide outlines how you can work together with us to get the best out of our service.
The difference between financial administration and capacity building and training
Changing plan management providers
What are the activities that are expected of us as plan managers
It also outlines what is not expected of a plan manager
Get in touch to learn more about the Guide to Plan Management.